Iwen Su

Ventura Mussel Farming Site Selection Workshop

Invited workshop participant, “Gathering Community Input on the Location of VSE Mussel Farming Lease Sites”, Ventura Shellfish Enterprise Site Selection Workshop, Ventura Harbor, July 2017.

Represented SeaSketch at the site selection workshop and collected public comments.


The Ventura Shellfish Enterprise (VSE) held a series of site selection workshops from July to August 2017. These collaborative and interactive workshops are aimed at gathering information from stakeholders to help evaluate and identify potential locations for mussel farming plots within a larger candidate growing area.

The information obtained from stakeholders will aid the project team in developing a project description that will form part of the permit applications submitted to state and federal agencies. Site selection workshops represent an important first step in a lengthy outreach process that will later include state and federal environmnetal review, and formal consideration of permit applications by various regulatory agencies.

Read more about the Ventura Shellfish Enterprise.