Presenter, “Ocean Health Index Global Fellows Program Seminar”, NCEAS Roundtable Series, Santa Barbara, September 2018.
Presented on the Ocean Health Index (OHI) Global Assessment framework, the open data science tools used in evaluating ocean health, the value of the fellowship program, and the data exploration dashboard I created for the OHI Mariculture goal.
The Ocean Health Index (OHI) Global Fellows Program is training the next generation of ocean data scientists through global ocean health assessments. Since January, Ellie Campbell, Iwen Su, and Camila Vargas have worked with the OHI team at NCEAS, learning open data science tools and practices and contributing to the seventh annual OHI assessment. They have prepared dozens of global datasets, improved portions of the OHI methodology, updated workflows, and created their own website to document the process and welcome the next cohort in 2019.
The OHI Global Fellows shared their experiences and achievements with the NCEAS community and showcased their independent projects, which combine their technical skillsets, interests, and creativity for communicating different components of the OHI.
View presentation here.