Iwen Su

Seafood Source Webinar

Panelist, “Forecasting Ocean Weather | The solution to protect, insure, & invest in salmon aquaculture,” Seafood Source Webinar, January 2022.

As Senior Data Scientist at Scoot Science, talked about our proposed framework for tracking carbon footprint for the global salmon industry. The panel included myself, our CEO, CIO and Business Development Specialist.


Extreme ocean events have threatened salmon health at aquaculture sites globally for decades. Now, with the help of Scoot Science, many ocean events that cause fish mortalities are predictable and insurable.

Scoot Science has created a unified web-based dashboard called SeaState that simplifies ocean observing and can forecast extreme underwater events. With this unprecedented level of transparency, aquaculture companies can operate more sustainably and gain access to parametric insurance. The team is also unlocking a pathway for impact investors through their powerful tool SeaVest, which translates ocean conditions to financial outcomes, and demonstrates that there is no inherent tradeoff between sustainability and profit in salmon farming.

Join Scoot Science CEO Dr. Jonathan LaRiviere, CIO Dr. Grant Cavanaugh, and Business Development Specialist Craig Blackie to learn more about how Scoot Science is making the oceans more manageable, predictable, insurable, and investable. Attendees will also have access to the newly released Scoot Science whitepaper with a deep dive on the real time threats facing salmon farms around the world and the solutions Scoot Science provides.

View recording here.